Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Wedding

Those of you who know me and if you have been reading my posts for the last little bit, know our middle son was married on Saturday night.

The wedding was beautiful, held at a lovely bed and breakfast in Tulsa, OK. The bride was radiant and the most comfortably shod...she was barefoot! Gotta love that. I didn't know it until my sister-in-law told me. I always watch the groom as the bride enters, and missed seeing her tootsies.

K & K did a wonderful job planning this. They had great catering and the staff at the "mansion" were so incredibly accomodating and helpful.

They are off to California on Monday for a few days of honeymoon, then back to the real world.

Have a great time dear ones. I love you.

1 comment:

That Janie Girl said...

We had fun at the wedding and at the "spirited revelry to follow" part, most assuredly.

But the hotel, afterwards?

Girl. I'm still tired!!